Tag Archives: fruit

Lunch Time

I’m bad at lunch. I’m worse at breakfast, but that is a different story.

By bad at lunch, I mean bad at taking a break at work. I like to eat at my desk in order to get more stuff done so I can go home at a reasonable-ish hour. I sometimes feel taking a lunch break is a waste of time + I hate spending money on going out for lunch, unless it’s once a week or so.

I read this article last month and have been thinking about it ever since. So… during the month of March (tomorrow, can you believe it!?!)  I am going to attempt to take a guilt-free lunch break. I really shouldn’t feel guilty about taking a half hour or hour out of my day considering I get here an hour early almost every day. I’m hoping the weather gets better to talk a walk or eat with co-workers at one of our two tables at work. I’m even starting a day early with my resolution by blogging right now!

Sometimes the day gets away from me and I forget to eat until a little later than most people, but I’ll try to fix that in March too. I am, however, pretty good at lunch in that I tend to eat healthy. For example:

I had some Trader Joe’s Roasted Red Pepper +Tomato Soup w/ some whole grain goldfish crackers, a string cheese and a not-so-ripe pear. It was all great. I like to leave a pack of string cheese and a box of TJ’s soup in the fridge at work for a quick lunch if I forget mine or don’t feel like my leftovers that day. I also like to hoard fruit at my desk, and my work also has a fruit bowl pretty much every day so I have some good options.

What about you? Do you take a lunch break? What did you have today?